Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
Arenas.create(DAC dac,
String name,
World world) |
void |
Arenas.delete(DAC dac,
Arena arena) |
void |
Arenas.load(DAC dac) |
Diving |
Arena.safeGetDiving(DAC dac)
Returns the diving board if defined or throws an exception if not.
Pool |
Arena.safeGetPool(DAC dac)
Returns the pool if defined or throws an exception if not.
StartRegion |
Arena.safeGetStartRegion(DAC dac)
Returns the start region if defined or throws an exception if not.
SurroundingRegion |
Arena.safeGetSurroundingRegion(DAC dac)
Returns the surrounding region if defined or throws an exception if not.
void |
Arenas.saveAll(DAC dac) |
void |
Arenas.saveArena(DAC dac,
Arena arena) |
Constructor and Description |
Arenas(DAC dac) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected DAC |
DACCommands.dac |
Constructor and Description |
AdminCommands(DAC dac) |
ArenasCommands(DAC dac) |
DACCommands(DAC dac) |
FillCommands(DAC dac) |
InfoCommands(DAC dac) |
PlayerCommands(DAC dac) |
SetCommands(DAC dac) |
SpectatorCommands(DAC dac) |
StageCommands(DAC dac) |
Constructor and Description |
ArenaArg.NoSuchArena(DAC dac,
String name) |
ArenaArg.NotInArena(DAC dac) |
ArenaArg(DAC dac,
String string) |
ColorArg.NotAColor(DAC dac,
String token) |
ColorArg(DAC dac,
String string) |
StageArg.NoStageForArena(DAC dac,
Arena arena) |
StageArg.NoStageForPlayer(DAC dac) |
StageArg(DAC dac,
String string) |
Constructor and Description |
DisabledWorldEditCommands(DAC dac) |
SelectCommands(DAC dac) |
SetWECommands(DAC dac) |
WorldEditCommands(DAC dac) |
Constructor and Description |
Colors(DAC dac) |
Constructor and Description |
IncompleteArena(DAC dac,
Arena arena) |
InvalidSelectorForRegion(DAC dac,
WESelector selector,
Class<? extends Shape> clazz) |
PoolShapeNotFlat(DAC dac,
Object shape) |
TooLargeArbitraryShape(DAC dac) |
UnknownGameType(DAC dac,
String type) |
WERegionIncomplete(DAC dac) |
WERegionNotSupported(DAC dac,
Class<? extends com.sk89q.worldedit.regions.Region> clazz) |
WESelectionNotSupported(DAC dac,
Class<? extends Shape> clazz) |
WorldEditNotAvailable(DAC dac) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected DAC |
AbstractGame.dac |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
abstract Game |
GameFactory.createGame(DAC dac,
GameStartData data)
Factory method which creates the game based on the given data.
static GameFactory |
GameFactory.getByAlias(DAC dac,
String alias)
Gets the game factory registered for the given alias.
Constructor and Description |
AbstractGame(DAC dac,
GameStartData data) |
GameTimer(DAC dac,
Game game) |
GameTimer(DAC dac,
Game game,
Runnable runnable) |
Constructor and Description |
ClassicGame(DAC dac,
GameStartData data) |
Constructor and Description |
Colonnisation(DAC dac,
GameStartData data) |
Constructor and Description |
GameQuickStart(DAC dac,
Arena arena) |
Constructor and Description |
Training(DAC dac,
GameStartData data) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
abstract Shape |
ShapeFactory.create(DAC dac,
World world,
Vector center,
int radius,
int height) |
Constructor and Description |
ArbitraryFlatShapeVisitor(DAC dac,
World world,
Vector pos) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
abstract com.sk89q.worldedit.regions.RegionSelector |
WESelector.create(DAC dac,
com.sk89q.worldedit.LocalWorld world,
Shape shape) |
static Shape |
WEShapeUtils.getShape(DAC dac,
com.sk89q.worldedit.regions.Region region) |
Constructor and Description |
Stages(DAC dac) |
Constructor and Description |
JoinStage(DAC dac,
Arena arena) |
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