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DAC Bukkit Plugin reloaded

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Note : All these commands are available with the shorter form "/dac <subcommand>" too.


Nom Permission Utilisation
dac2 version dac2.admin.version /dac2 version
Show current version.
dac2 reload dac2.admin.reload /dac2 reload
Reload all data (config, messages, ...)


Nom Permission Utilisation
dac2 define

dac2 def

dac2.arenas.define /dac2 define <name> [world]
Create an arena with the given name and world.
dac2 delete

dac2 del

dac2 remove

dac2 rm

dac2.arenas.delete /dac2 delete <arena>
Remove given arena.
dac2 arenas dac.arenas.arenas /dac2 arenas
List all arenas.
dac2 tparena dac2.arenas.tparena /dac2 tparena <arena>
Teleport to the given arena's diving board.


Nom Permission Utilisation
dac2 set diving

dac2 set d

dac2.set.diving /dac2 set diving <arena> [-p=<player>]
Define the diving of the given arena.
dac2 set pool

dac2 setp

dac2.set.pool /dac2 set pool <arena> [-p=<player>] [-s=shape(default=arbitrary)] [radius] [height]
Define the pool of the given arena.
dac2 set start

dac2 sets

dac2.set.start /dac2 set start <arena> [-p=<player>] [-s=shape(default=cuboid)] [radius] [height]
Define the start region of the given arena.
dac2 set surrounding

dac2 setsu

dac2.set.surrounding /dac2 set surrounding <arena> [-p=<player>] [-s=shape(default=cuboid)] [radius] [height]
Define the surrounding region of the given arena.

WorldEdit Set

Nom Permission Utilisation
dac2 setwe pool

dac2 setwp

dac2.set.we.pool /dac2 setwe pool <arena>
Define the pool of the given arena.
dac2 setwe start

dac2 setws

dac2.set.we.start /dac2 setwe start <arena>
Define the start region of the given arena.
dac2 setwe surrounding

dac2 setwsu

dac2.set.we.surrouding /dac2 setwe surrounding <arena>
Define the surrounding region of the given arena.

WorldEdit Select

Nom Permission Utilisation
dac2 select pool

dac2 sel p /dac2 select pool [-s=<selector>] <arena>
Select the pool of the given arena.
dac2 select start

dac2 sel s /dac2 select start [-s=<selector>] <arena>
Select the start region of the given arena.
dac2 select surrounding

dac2 sel su /dac2 select surrounding [-s=<selector>] <arena>
Select the surrounding region of the given arena.


Nom Permission Utilisation
dac2 initialize

dac2 init

dac2.stage.init /dac2 initialize [arena]
Initialize a new game in the given arena.
dac2 stop dac2.stage.stop /dac2 stop [arena]
Stop a game.
dac2 start

dac2 s

dac2.stage.start /dac2 start [-a=arena] [gamemode]
Start the game.
dac2 quickstart

dac2 qs

dac2.stage.quickstart /dac2 quickstart [-a=arena] [gamemode]
Start the game skipping the join stage.
dac2 kick dac2.stage.kick /dac2 kick <player>
Kick a player.


Nom Permission Utilisation
dac2 fill /dac2 fill <fully|randomly|dac|allbutone>
Fill main command.
dac2 fill reset

dac2 reset

dac2.fill.reset /dac2 fill reset <arena>
Reset the given arena's pool.
dac2 fill fully

dac2 fill f

dac2 fillf

dac2.fill.fully /dac2 fill fully <colors>...
Fill the pool
dac2 fill randomly

dac2 fill rand

dac2 fillr

dac2.fill.randomly /dac2 fill randomly [-p=percentage(default=50)] <colors>...
Fill the pool randomly.
dac2 fill dac

dac2 filld

dac2.fill.dac /dac2 fill dac [-p=percentage(default=50)] <colors>...
Fill the pool with `Dés à coudre`.
dac2 fill allbutone

dac2 fill abo

dac2 filla

dac2.fill.allbutone /dac2 fill allbutone [-p=percentage(default=50)] <colors>...
Fill the pool except for one column.


Nom Permission Utilisation
dac2 join

dac2 j

dac2.player.join /dac2 join [-a=<arena>] [colors...]
Join a game.
dac2 quit

dac2 q

dac2.player.quit /dac2 quit
Quit the stage.


Nom Permission Utilisation
dac2 watch

dac2 w /dac2 watch [arena,...]
Register as a spectator.
dac2 unwatch dac2.spectator.unwatch /dac2 unwatch [arena,...]
Unregister as a spectator.


Nom Permission Utilisation
dac2 list

dac2 ls /dac2 list [arena]
Show players list and stats.
dac2 colors /dac2 colors
Show all available colors.